Trailing around other people’s lives, hoping to be recognized, or even to have just one moment of shine by leaving his values, his drive, and his creative instincts in the dust is NOT what LA based artist, Eli Superapple is about. Rather, he is all for uplifting himself and others, benevolence and finding joy in the simpler things that life has to offer. His motto “influencing the influenza” is brought to life through his canvases, photography and written words. Commonly, when one thinks of “influenza”, the first thing that may come to mind is a highly contagious disease, one that is spread almost instantly on contact. So imagine the determination this upcoming artist has as he refuses to subject himself to the hypocrisy that exists in society and instead strives to bring a message filled with positivity, distinction, and encouragement. He incorporates a mixture of techniques such as acrylics, aerosol paint and wheatpasting in his pieces. Additionally, the images he creates are uniquely portrayed in his paintings, including those of popular celebrities such as Alicia Keyes, Bruce Lee and the Kardashians. Other than standard canvases, Eli’s work can be also be found on screen doors, hand painted business cards (each done one by one) and his custom line of kid robots. He gives back to the community with giveaways and fundraising projects such as “Project Haiti”. Check out some of his work below and of course, support this artist by viewing his blog and his online portfolio.